Landscape Planning   景观规划

Leader + project “Life after the gravel“

领导项目“砾石后面的生活区”,城市 塞格贝格, 德国

Project type: Project Planning and Communication in construction


Project address: communities Damsdorf and Tensfeld ‐ County Segeberg

项目地点: Damsdorf 和 Tensfeld 社区

Size: 2,500 ha                               面积: 2,500 公顷

Finish time: 2006 completed   项目时间: 完成2006

Task According to the communication with the community, the project has a preliminary intentions for future development, reuse mining area will be further clarified in the landscape / site planning concept design competition.



about us

zoning concept for Damsdorf

景观分区规划, 城市达姆斯多尔夫,德国

Type: conceptual landscape planning             项目类型: 城市规划

Size: 776 ha    面积: 776km²

Finish time: 2012   完成时间:批准实施2012

Planning goal: sensitive enlargement of residential settlements, finding the best area for a solar park, usage of the gravel pits for landscape based recreation and tourism, nature development concept.







wind power in Amt Lütau

风电规划景观指引,吕陶市 , 德国

Planning goals:

Assessment for the most sustainable areas for wind power parks



Size 面积:905 ha 公顷

Finish time 完成时间: 2009/2010

Type: Landscape analysis  项目类型:景观分析 

Address: Kreis Herzogtum-Lauenburg

项目地点: Herzogtum-Lauenburg 地区
